Actually I never left :P Just an update, Danger of Tang// Full is almost done I had finished it, but it sucked, so Im starting all over, and its gonna be wicked, I hope *shifty eyes*
And Don is fucking up with my time table so I can't get the song yet, I actually need to meet him, and since he is on tour I'll get him to fax me the copyrights, he needed new ones (WTF) BUT I need to buy a fax :P
AND lastly Binaerpilot has agreed to let me put songs on here as long as I give him some acknowledgment SO here it is
Binaerpilot get's acknowledgment and is half creator of the music I will submit, you can download his electro music for free at some site >.< I dunno, just google him!
I lol'd at this pic :D